
Thursday, May 13, 2021

My question

 For inquiry we have been asking questions e.g. where your grandparents migrated from. My question is about My Grandma moving from England to NZ. These are my questions.

What year did my grandma come to New Zealand in? 

How old was my grandma when she came to New Zealand? 

Why did my grandma come to New Zealand? 

How did she earn enough money to get a house? 

Who did she come with? 

What type of boat did she come on? 

How many days did it take her to journey from England to New Zealand? 

What did she eat on the boat? 

How does my grandma regret coming to New Zealand if she does regret it at all? 

How many children were on the boat? 

What did my grandma bring when she came? 

How did her family feel when she was going to leave? 

What were my grandma’s first impressions of New Zealand? 

What feelings did she have? 

What place in New Zealand did she arrive in?

How does NZ compare to England?

When did she lose her accent?

When did my grandma move to NZ?

Why did my grandma move to NZ?

What was her job before she came to NZ and after?

Who were her friends?

Which friends did she take with her, which did she leave?

Where did she stay, sleep, eat?

How did she feel when she moved?

Where did she meet my grandpa in NZ?

How many friends and family did she leave behind?

What was the type of travel she used to come to NZ?

How many times has she visited England since she left?

What part of England was she from?

How was England different from NZ?

What does she prefer, England or NZ?

What boat did she travel on?

How was her life affected by her moving?

What street did she live down in England?

Which part of England is my grandma from? 

What ship did my grandma come on? 

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