
Friday, May 28, 2021

My favourite writing edited.

 Make a wish...

In space the stars sparkle like sparkly diamonds. Looking out through the telescope she sees a shining star “as bright as a diamond” she says to the star expert next to her. “I’ll call this one Jupiter after you!” the expert tells her. “OOH, I see a shooting star! Quick, make a wish!” Jupiter says. “I wish” Jupiter cuts him off “NO don’t say it out loud otherwise it won’t come true!” “Ok.” In his head the expert says “I wish I could find Mars.” 

1 month later… 

Agent 12 please enter the rocket. Agent 12 zips up his astronaut suit and steps up onto the steep ramp of the red and black rocket. It’s his first time going to space at 50km per minute. He is scared but so excited because he might see Mars! He thinks back to that time when he was with Jupiter, no not the planet the girl who was looking out the window at a shooting star and they made a wish each. 

In space…

The sky is as bright as a diamond with dark patches like a tub of cookies and cream ice cream. Bits of space junk fly in multiple different directions, the red planet is 333.99 million km away from Earth. They are 233.99 million kilometers away from Earth. Swoosh dodging space junk finally we reach the Red Planet and discharge from the rocket. YAY FINALLY THE RED PLANET! MY WISH HAS COME TRUE!

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