
Monday, May 31, 2021

Samoan Week Songs

This week is Samoan language week. We had to choose two topics. The topics I chose were Samoan Greetings and Samoan Songs. This is my slide show.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Multiplication, division Forms

Today for maths Sharon's maths group had to fill out a google form. The google form was 100 questions, all of the times tables from 1 to 10. I got 100/100. 

We also did a division form from 1 to 100 again. My score was 88/100. I thought I did pretty well with both tests. 

Spelling Tasks

Here is my spelling.

Spelling Tasks. Choose 8 words. 
Words: Photocopy, triumph, alphabet, phantom, phrase, diagraph, physical, morph, physics, emphasis, aphid, amphibian, sphinx, lymph, phere, pheasant, phosphate.

Task 1: Write your words as bubble words, colour them in.

Task 2: Rearrange 8 words into alphabetical order.
Words: Photocopy, triumph, alphabet, phantom, phrase, diagraph, physical, morph. 
Alphabet, diagraph, morph, phantom, photocopy, phrase, physical, triumph.

Task 3: Create a word search using eight words. 

































































sphinx, triumph, phere, lymph , phrase, diagraph, aphid, morph.

Chromebook shortcuts.

Here are some Chromebook shortcuts. 

ctrl + c = copy
ctrl + v = paste
ctrl + shift + v = paste with formatting
search + l = lock screen
ctrl + shift + q + q = log out of Chromebook
alt + e = open browser menu
ctrl + n = open new window
ctrl + t = open new tab
ctrl + u  + highlight text = underline
ctrl + z = undo action
ctrl + f = finds words/ letters quickly
ctrl + p = print page
ctrl + a = select whole page 
ctrl + o = open options
ctrl + x = cut selected text
ctrl + b = bold selected text

My favourite writing edited.

 Make a wish...

In space the stars sparkle like sparkly diamonds. Looking out through the telescope she sees a shining star “as bright as a diamond” she says to the star expert next to her. “I’ll call this one Jupiter after you!” the expert tells her. “OOH, I see a shooting star! Quick, make a wish!” Jupiter says. “I wish” Jupiter cuts him off “NO don’t say it out loud otherwise it won’t come true!” “Ok.” In his head the expert says “I wish I could find Mars.” 

1 month later… 

Agent 12 please enter the rocket. Agent 12 zips up his astronaut suit and steps up onto the steep ramp of the red and black rocket. It’s his first time going to space at 50km per minute. He is scared but so excited because he might see Mars! He thinks back to that time when he was with Jupiter, no not the planet the girl who was looking out the window at a shooting star and they made a wish each. 

In space…

The sky is as bright as a diamond with dark patches like a tub of cookies and cream ice cream. Bits of space junk fly in multiple different directions, the red planet is 333.99 million km away from Earth. They are 233.99 million kilometers away from Earth. Swoosh dodging space junk finally we reach the Red Planet and discharge from the rocket. YAY FINALLY THE RED PLANET! MY WISH HAS COME TRUE!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Brainstorms.

 For literacy this week we have been looking at what brainstorms we prefer to use to write stories with.
Mondays brainstorm was this. 
We had topic options and I chose the classroom was a zoo.

The classroom was a zoo.

Idea 1

Idea 2

Idea 3

Idea 4

Teachers get grumpy/lazy.

Children get bored.

Teachers let them do whatever they want.

Children roaring lions, elephants, messy pigs, giraffes and panthers.

Tuesdays brainstorm was this. The topic I chose was her lovely voice was music to his ears.

Topic: Her lovely voice was music to his ears.

Pleasant sounding voice.                                                                                             




Big ideas

Girl- fluffy brown hair, pink lips, very freckly, small, skinny, pale skin, blue eyes. 

Name: Charlotte-loves donuts, outside. Hates- maths, dark chocolate.

Boy- light blonde hair, pink lips, small, skinny, pale skin, blue eyes.

Name: Thomas- loves donuts, playing video games, hates- outside, pumpkin.

Tall tower, grassy hill.

Wednesdays brainstorm was this. The topic I chose was the stars are sparkling diamonds.


The stars are sparkling diamonds.


verbs/action words






The stars shine as bright as diamonds.

My favourite one was Tuesdays brainstorm.

The writing I did on Monday using the brainstorm was this.

On Friday the teachers get very tired, grumpy and lazy, from the children. The children get bored and hangry, the teachers get impatient and let the kids do whatever they want. Children acting as roaring lions and thumping elephants, messy pigs, tall giraffes and scary panthers.

The writing on Tuesday was this.

Chapter One: Charlotte
One freezing rainy day a beautiful young girl called Charlotte was stuck inside a tall tower with her stepmother Ava. Her short fluffy strands of brown hair smoothly brushing her freckled face. Her stepmother heaves her into the air giving her a big hug, Charlotte’s long blue and yellow gown dancing in the cold whipping wind. Ava announces that she brought Charlotte her favourite donut flavour… chocolate with sprinkles! “ Oh thank you!” Charlotte says. Her dress flows back to its normal curvy shape. Ava tells Charlotte that she brought a deep fryer and donut ingredients so they can make them lots. 

The writing on Wednesday was this.

Make a wish...

In space the stars sparkle like sparkly diamonds. Looking out through the telescope she sees a shining star “as bright as a diamond” she says to the star expert next to her. “I’ll call this one Jupiter after you!” the expert tells her. “OOH, I see a shooting star! Quick, make a wish!” Jupiter says. “I wish” Jupiter cuts him off “NO don’t say it out loud otherwise it won’t come true!” “Ok.” In his head the expert says “I wish I could find Mars.” 

1 month later… 

Agent 12 please enter the rocket. Agent 12 zips up his astronaut suit and steps up onto the ramp of the rocket. It’s his first time going to space at 50km per minute. He is scared but so excited because he might see Mars! He thinks back to that time when he was with Jupiter, no not the planet the girl who was a shooting star and they made a wish each. 

Into space…

The sky is as bright as a diamond with dark patches like a tub of cookies and cream ice cream. Bits of space junk fly in multiple different directions, the red planet is 6,000,0000 kilometers away from Earth. They are 5,000,0000 kilometers away from Earth. Swoosh dodging space junk finally we reach the Red Planet and discharge from the rocket. "YAY FINALLY THE RED PLANET! MY WISH HAS COME TRUE!"

Thursday, May 27, 2021

My Inquiry Question About my grandma leaving England and coming to NZ.

For inquiry I have been creating this slideshow about my grandma leaving England and coming to NZ. I asked her some questions and wrote whatever she said in the slide. At the end of the slide I wrote some facts about England and did a marker of where London is and NZ. 

Avonside Girls, Shirley boys High school Footloose

Yesterday some people from Tangaroa went to watch a Avonside girls and Shirley boys footloose performance. It was a musical with lots of cringe parts! It was about a town called Bomont who has a very strict policy 'NO DANCING'. Then some high school kids feel they need to dance, so they take it to the law changers and it ends up not being a law anymore. They have that rule because 4 young boys were high and had been coming over a bridge from partying at a club. They were driving across the bridge and then they had a car crash, they all died. So the rule in Bomont is no dancing. In the end the rule is changed so that everyone can dance. 



Friday, May 21, 2021

Cross Country Story

 Cross Country

ON YOUR MARK GET SET ‘BANG’! People run as fast as lightning, zig zagging through the crowd.

I puff like a pug, as I run slowly saving my energy for later. 

As warm as a fire burning into the fireplace. 

I am a slow dog. I am a furnace. 

Hot drip. Breath puff. Thirst slurp.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Tech Electronics

Today at electronics we were finishing our circuits and deciding what our next project would be.
I chose to make a target and when you press a certain button the target will light up. I enjoy electronics. Our teacher is called Mr. Osborn. He is mean when you don't know him but when you get to know him he is nicer. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

GIF Making

This week we have been creating our own GIF. My GIF is about a girl who gets bullied for her appearance. The app I used was Tall Tweets. 

This is my GIF.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Te Ao Maori- The Creation Story Recreated

Freya, Brooke and I were in a group to recreate the creation story. The creation story is about how the world is made. Some people believe it some people don't. This is our creation story.                    

                                                         Our Creation Story

By Brooke, Freya and Ava

It started one day when the world was full of darkness where six brothers named Tāne Mahuta, Tāwhirimātea, Rongomātāne, Haumiatiketike, Tangaroa, and Rūaumoko. They lived between their mother, Papatuānuku and their father, Ranginui. They had no room to walk, move or breath. 

One day the children got very sick and their parents decided they needed to do something about it. They decided to ask their children to separate them to let in sunlight so the brothers could heal. They did not want to leave each other but knew it was best for their children.

Many of the children try to push them apart, but it was no use. Tāne Mahuta suddenly had the idea for all of the brothers to try to push them apart together. All of the brothers, apart from Tāwhirimātea who didn’t want his parents to be separated, tried separating them from their parents and it worked!

The sun suddenly blasted down on them and the earth got covered in sunlight. And the children got healthy again.

Now Papatuānuku is the earth below and Ranginui is the sky, people believe when it’s raining it’s Ranginui crying for his beloved Papatuānuku.

                                                                    THE END.

We made a video. This is it.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

My question

 For inquiry we have been asking questions e.g. where your grandparents migrated from. My question is about My Grandma moving from England to NZ. These are my questions.

What year did my grandma come to New Zealand in? 

How old was my grandma when she came to New Zealand? 

Why did my grandma come to New Zealand? 

How did she earn enough money to get a house? 

Who did she come with? 

What type of boat did she come on? 

How many days did it take her to journey from England to New Zealand? 

What did she eat on the boat? 

How does my grandma regret coming to New Zealand if she does regret it at all? 

How many children were on the boat? 

What did my grandma bring when she came? 

How did her family feel when she was going to leave? 

What were my grandma’s first impressions of New Zealand? 

What feelings did she have? 

What place in New Zealand did she arrive in?

How does NZ compare to England?

When did she lose her accent?

When did my grandma move to NZ?

Why did my grandma move to NZ?

What was her job before she came to NZ and after?

Who were her friends?

Which friends did she take with her, which did she leave?

Where did she stay, sleep, eat?

How did she feel when she moved?

Where did she meet my grandpa in NZ?

How many friends and family did she leave behind?

What was the type of travel she used to come to NZ?

How many times has she visited England since she left?

What part of England was she from?

How was England different from NZ?

What does she prefer, England or NZ?

What boat did she travel on?

How was her life affected by her moving?

What street did she live down in England?

Which part of England is my grandma from? 

What ship did my grandma come on? 

Stem And Leaf

 Today for maths we learnt about the graph Stem and Leaf. When we first started I didn't know what stem and leaf was but now I'm getting to know it better. 

This is a Stem and leaf graph.


so this graph might be about what age people are. so the one four would be a 40 and then on the leaf side it would be the ones column. And then when the stem is a 10 then it would represent 100 so then the ones column is 6 and then the amount all together is 106. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What pets do you have graph.

Today for maths I have finished off my graph. My graph was about what pets people have. I asked 5 boys and 5 girls. Then I made a tally and put all my information into a bar graph. This is it.

There were three girls and 4 boys who have cats, and again 3 girls and 4 boys who have dogs. Nobody has any fish and 3 girls and 1 boy have some other kind of pet. 

My topic was what pets do you have?
Variable is gender.
Questions that I asked were what gender are you, and what pets do you have?
Sample is 5 boys, 5 girls.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Spelling Task 3

 We also had to write a story using all of the words. 

Vein Veil Rein Skein Beige Receive Received Deceived Deceive Perceive Either Neither Seize Seized Caffeine 

The bride wore a beige dress, her veil made of skein. She received lots of caffeine, she put the rein on the horse and set off. She didn’t intend to deceive people into thinking she was running away. Not what she liked whether it was lollies or fruit she said neither. So the guards seized her. The groom seizes her arm and leads her to the wedding. The wedding may seem boring but don’t be deceived. 

I tried to use all of the words but some wouldn't fit. Some parts are also a little mixed up.

Spelling Task 2

 We had to find words that rhyme with each of the target words (the target words are the first words).

Vein - rain 

Veil - hail 

Rein - Fame

Skein - brain 

Beige - rage 

Receive - grieve

Received - weaved  

Deceived - retrieved 

Deceive - heave

Perceive - retrieve 

Either - breather

Neither - either 

Seize - seas

Seized - breathed 

Caffeine - vaccine 

It was hardest to find a word for Caffeine because it was a long word.

Literacy Spelling Task 1

                                         Spelling Task 1.

This week for literacy Sharon's literacy group have been doing different spelling tasks. I chose to do a spelling triangle. It was easy and took a while but I finished it and gave the triangles colours. The hardest word was probably Perceive because I kept on doing a 's' instead of a 'c'. The easiest word was caffeine, I don't know why I just find it easiest to do.