
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Summary Of Bok Choy.

 Bok Choy This link takes you to the book.

This story is called Bok Choy and the author is Paul Mason. This story is set in New Zealand and it’s  when the chinese came.

The time is the gold rush. Ah Sum is a chinese vege seller and doesn’t judge people by what they look like however there are people who judge him. There is a boy called Jacob and he doesn’t like chinese, Mrs. Bishop is racist too. Jacob decides to go fishing and falls into the fast flowing river. He wakes up in a little hut. Ah sum saved him from the river and got Jacob’s mum to come collect him. Jacob now likes Ah sum and chinese people, his mum too but Mrs Bishop still dislikes Chinese.

At first Jacob doesn’t really like Chinese people because maybe he thinks that they are just taking up all the land but then Ah Sum saves him and Jacob’s hatred turns to sympathy. 

The big message is not all stereotypes are true and to accept people for who they are. We know this because this story has a lot of people who were racist at the start but then most of them turn to like Chinese after all. 

I think that Ah Sum is a very nice guy and does lots of things for others, I wouldn’t be racist to someone who gets food for me or anyone. Ah Sum was nice for saving Jacob and Mrs Bishop shouldn’t say those things in front of Ah Sum. I think that racism is bad.

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