
Thursday, March 11, 2021

My Asttle Writing.

 This is what we had to do...

A community facility 

A community facility is a place, building, or piece of equipment provided for the community to use. 

Think of a facility that your community needs. Your community could be your school, city, town, rural area, or even the whole country. 

Think about: 

what your reader needs to know about the community facility 

how you are going to introduce the facility 

the order of your ideas and how you link them. 

Remember to: 

choose your words carefully

 take care with your spelling, punctuation, and sentences 

edit – add or delete words or sentences to improve your work.

This is what I did.

Name: Ava 

Date: 2.3.21 - 8.3.21

I think that to get more people coming into New Brighton and to get more money they need one more thing. I think they need a big mall.

If the government provided money for New Brighton to create a better mall with clothes, food, drinks, games and much more activities then it would attract people from all over New Zealand and the world and then if that happened then it would give New Brighton lots of money to spend on other things e.g. roads and buildings.

If the prices were low then families that don’t have too much money can get things they want and while they do that their kids can play games or get a drink or something. 

You can also have dinner, lunch, a snack or breakfast at the mall because there would be a hallway leading down into a eating room with a few restaurants, and cafes to eat from. While you eat there will be big glass windows looking out onto the street and other nice scenery.

It also gives people affected by lock down e.g. lost jobs, to have jobs and get money to look after themselves and their families. It would save in petrol for some people because then it would be closer to lots of people instead of going to e.g. The Palms, it would be very close to some people.

It would help lots of families, it could be called ‘New Brighton Mall’ or something like that.

That’s why I think we should have a Mall in New Brighton.

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