
Tuesday, March 9, 2021



Today we walked to Christchurch School of gymnastics at 11.00. When we arrived we had to take off any jewelry, jerseys, shoes and socks, then we walked down a bunch of stairs and we had to split into groups of 10 and walk in a line, we had to do different warm ups in our line so first we had to run to a dot and back. Then we had to do high knees there and back, butt kicks there and back and then one of the lady's showed us how to do stretches.

 In my group of ten first we did the trampoline and foam pit. The first jumping exercise we did was jumping up high a few times and then stopping promptly, and jumping in the foam pit. Then when a whistle blew we had to try something new, so for us it was a floor routine sort of thing. 

We had to put our feet on a blue block, and reach our hands to a far distance and hold it for 5 seconds. Then we layed on a red block and put our hands on the ground and shift our feet and hands forward. Put our hands flat on the floor and lift our feet onto a tall block. Bunny hop 5 times and cartwheel across a block and then on the ground. We repeated that until the whistle blew again. When it did we rotated to the side and waited in line till the teacher came back. 

We jumped onto a white box and then hanged off a bar with our legs tucked into our chest, we moved onto a bit of elastic and bar, for this one we had to put both feet into the elastic and keep our legs straight, stick out our bums and hold onto the bar and swing. Then there was another bar and we did the same thing we did at the start. There were big rings and we had to swing backwards and stay straight (I couldn't do it). 

Then there was the beam we had to walk along it and balance then jump off. We kept doing that and we did different things like bear crawl and walking backwards.

The skinny trampoline... We had to jump with our arms up all the way across the trampoline, then jump off boxes. And we did different things all across the trampoline and boxes. 

I enjoyed this experience a lot but it would be better if I was in the same group as some of my friends.


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