
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The First Day Of School In Tangaroa (Goal Setting)

                                            Goal Setting Day

8.30am: SWOOSH, as I throw the long dragon toy in threw the air Pixel jumps up and catches it with a loud thump as she hits the ground. She comes rushing back to me with slobber dripping down the corner of her mouth. "Good girl" I say to her and she wags her tail rapidly creating a whole bunch of wind in my face.

9.00am: "Kaeden, Ava, Maia come on were gonna be late!" Our Mum says, we all rush outside onto the green grass. Mum comes and opens the gate we rush out and into Tangaroa. Kaeden, Mum, and I get a felt pen and write our name on a tote tray. Kaeden and I get three pieces of paper one for goal setting, one for surfing and one for tech. I put the surfing one back because I don't really enjoy surfing, Mum signed the tech one and I put my goals in the last piece. Then I handed mine in to the box. 

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