
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Times Tables Test.

 Maths Test.

Today we did a maths test, we had to do times tables. I got 99%. My goal is to get quicker under 9 minutes and all correct. My next step is to get 100%, to do this I need to learn 8x6=48 I didn't have time to write it down but if I get quicker than I can finish it all. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Swimming Part 2

 Swimming Part 2

Today at swimming we did lots of laps, especially breaststroke. The types of swimming we did was floating for 1 minute, breaststroke, freestyle, and backstroke. My favourite was freestyle and my least favourite was breaststroke. I like freestyle because I find it easy and I don't loose my breath. I don't like breaststroke because I loose my breath easily.

My goals for swimming is to be able to swim lots of laps without getting puffed.

Monday, February 22, 2021


 Today at swimming we did about 5 laps. First we had to jump of the diving board and swim to the end of the pool doing breaststroke and freestyle. The other laps we did, were breaststroke, freestyle, and backstroke. Then once we finished we had free time, for free time Camryn, Tara, Maea and I searched for Camryn's ear plugs. It was fun.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Tangaroa- good and bad

 So far in Tangaroa there haven't been too many bad things. 

The good things= Zumba is really fun especially The cupid shuffle. I love being in the same class as my brother Kaeden (visit his blog at and click the top link and that will take you to his blog). There are other good things too like you can lead choice and challenge, help the junior triathlon, be a reading tutor and many more advantages.

The bad things= I was looking forward to being able to wear my shoes in the class but that rule has changed. I was also looking forward to sitting on a chair in the morning but that rule has also changed.

                                                               Overall Tangaroa is pretty fun.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Tech: 18/2/21


Today at tech we did cooking we baked chicken wraps. This is how you make it...
1. Get a chunk of raw chicken and cut it into 4 squares.
2. Get a plate and get 2 and a half tablespoons of breadcrumbs, in a separate bowl get 2 tablespoons of egg yolks, on a separate plate get 2 tablespoons of flour and 1/4 of a teaspoon of chicken stock into the same plate and mix them together.
3. Rub 1/4 of chicken into the flour then the egg, and the breadcrumbs then put on a baking tray. Repeat this on all pieces of chicken and put in the oven on 200 degrees, for 20min.
4. Grab a clean plate and grab some carrot, avocado and whatever else you want in your wrap, cut it up and take the chicken out make sure the chicken is cooked well by cutting one piece of chicken in half, if it's white but not too white then it's cooked well if not put it back in. 
5. Put all the ingredients in your wrap and now your wrap is complete.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Fitness- Dancing- Zumba

 This week we have been focusing on a few dances, they are Saturday night fever dance, Cupid Shuffle, and Ace of spades. 

This is how you do Saturday night fever dance...

You start by going 4 steps backwards and then clap, 4 steps forward clap. Then grape vine to your right and turn then do the same to the left. Kick ball change, kick ball change. Skate, skate, skate and seat belt, seat belt. Chicken, and turn on your heels.

This is how you play the ace of spades. 

everybody dances to music however they like and when the music they run to either the ace of spades, the ace of hearts, the ace of diamonds or the ace of clubs.There is a teacher in the middle and they choose someone to pick the top card off the deck, but don't look then the student hands it back to the teacher and goes back to their corner. The teacher then looks at it and if you were in the corner that the card is then everybody there sits down and can't dance. Then each time that happens there begins to be less people until there's only 1 person standing who becomes the winner.

This is how you do the Cupid Shuffle.

4 steps to the right 4 steps to the left. Then kick and jump 4 times and turn to the side. Just keep doing that until you get to the start.

Fitness With Tyres.

                                             Fitness with tyres.

Today we had to run a certain distance with a tyre. So we wait in line and then when it's your turn pick up the tyre and run to the cone. Then drop it on the ground and put your left foot in, take it out, right foot in, take it out. Now put both feet in and pick up the tyre, run to the first cone drop it on the ground and both feet out, pick it up and run back to the line. Now the next person goes and has their turn doing the same thing the person in front did.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

My Lottery Dream Home (Never Gonna Happen!)

 My dream home would be...

                                            The Outside Coming Into The House:

A huge 2 story house, beautiful small hedges around the outside of my house. A curvy driveway like a giant circle and then inside the circle would be beautiful flowers and plants. Then around the circle would be the driveway. A giant white door leading into the house. Massive black gates you will see as you enter the driveway. Good white walls, nice bright lights surrounding the area. 

                                          The Entry: 

You walk into a giant entry with white marble tiles, a blue feature wall. Around the feature wall the walls are bright white, underneath the feature wall is a coat and bag hanger, and a shoe rack (all white or black). Golden code door handle on the door. 

                                          The Hallway:      

A long hallway light grey carpet, followed by light lavender walls. A few pictures along the walls. Five ways you can go. One way goes into the staircase, one goes into the living room and another is the living room exit. The last two lead into the kitchen and a guest bedroom. 

                                           The Staircase:

The staircase is black and there is a skylight at the top and warm lights at the bottom of each step. Also black barriers with long LED lights under the handle. 

(There would be more but I'll make another post for that.)

Childrens University, Barreling Through.

 Barreling Through, Children's University

“Mmm bacon and eggs on toast, delicious. This morning I’m gonna catch a gnarly wave.” Said Joe. Joe lives in Australia and he goes surfing a lot. He’s never caught a barrel wave although he’s almost got one but he slipped off it. Joe’s had a tough life, he’s been bitten by a shark on his leg now creating a big scar. But there have also been good things like how he got to see a whole pod of dolphins including 3 babies. His chickens like surfing too, they have a surfboard they share and can swim very far. Anyway this morning he is going surfing on his own. The sun is as yellow as a lemon and shining down brightly onto the blue water. He jogs to the brown boiling hot sand and quickly paddles out to sea. A humongous wave comes crashing overhead creating a huge barrel wave, Joe is frozen he doesn’t know what to do. Then he looks beside him and there’s another surfer surfing, Joe snaps out of it and shouts “Woah, gnarly dude!” And wavers his hands in a L looking way, his pinky pointing up as high as can be. This is Joe’s first time in a barrel wave!

Friday, February 12, 2021



Tech is on Thursdays at Linwood College. We have to get to school by 8.30am and wait out the front of the school until the buses arrive. We get onto a bus and find a seat beside somebody else. When we arrive at Linwood College we have to sit in our groups and wait for the teacher to take us to where were supposed to go. The first time we had to go with a teacher called Mrs Smith, she was the cooking teacher. She told us we were making a fruit salad and that we could cut the fruit in whatever shape we wanted. We cut the fruit and put it in a cup and put either custard, yogurt or a strawberry sauce on top. I chose custard. At a certain time we had to go out for morning tea. I ate my fruit salad, it was delicious. 



For fitness we have to run around the bike track for as long as we can non-stop. When we get back to the start we have to get in to groups of ten and run staying the same pace as everybody else in your group. Usually I stop halve way but when it's in a group of ten I run all around non-stop. My favourite is the one with ten people in a group. I always need a big drink of water afterwards.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

How I've Found Being In Tangaroa

 How I've Found Being In Tangaroa.

I've found being in Tangaroa funner than being a year 6 because you get to do way funner activities, like tech and you get cool senior jackets. You get treated differently and you can do choice and challenge with the little kids, and  you have options if you want to do certain things. It's really fun.

First Week In Tangaroa.

The first week of school was pretty good, I really didn't want to come but I knew it would be better than last year because I would be in the same class as my brother. The first few days we just played games and got to know each other. We learnt to hold each other' hands and not be scared of who's watching you when we do zumba. My favourite part of the week was doing zumba.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The First Day Of School In Tangaroa (Goal Setting)

                                            Goal Setting Day

8.30am: SWOOSH, as I throw the long dragon toy in threw the air Pixel jumps up and catches it with a loud thump as she hits the ground. She comes rushing back to me with slobber dripping down the corner of her mouth. "Good girl" I say to her and she wags her tail rapidly creating a whole bunch of wind in my face.

9.00am: "Kaeden, Ava, Maia come on were gonna be late!" Our Mum says, we all rush outside onto the green grass. Mum comes and opens the gate we rush out and into Tangaroa. Kaeden, Mum, and I get a felt pen and write our name on a tote tray. Kaeden and I get three pieces of paper one for goal setting, one for surfing and one for tech. I put the surfing one back because I don't really enjoy surfing, Mum signed the tech one and I put my goals in the last piece. Then I handed mine in to the box.