
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Hedgehog In Our Fire Pit (non fiction)

One morning I was sleeping in my spacious room and my mum tried to wake me up as usual but of course I was too tired to get out of bed so she left me to it. Then 5 minutes had past and she came bursting into my room she whispered "Ava, you might want to get up for this, we have a visitor!" I jumped out of bed and rushed into the living room to find no one. I looked out the window and saw my brother with his tablet. I walked outside and saw what all this fuss was about there was a frightened hedgehog scrambling about in the fire pit. It was so cute, we called it Sonic. Here are some pictures of Sonic.

 When my mum put Sonic carefully in a bucket he curled into a small ball and stayed there. We ended up putting Sonic in some bushes down our drive.

                                                    Has a hedgehog ever visited your house?

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