
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Christmas Quick Write: The Cozy Cottage.

                                                             The cozy cottage.

Bright fairy lights shine as bright as the Christmas tree in a Mr.Bean episode, the dark red and white stockings hang from the brick fireplace over top of the fierce fire. See through vases with blood red rhododendron flowers. A giant brown wooden rocking chair facing towards the roaring fire. A giant green fresh tree, red and golden, silver ornaments dangling like snowflakes. Monstrous box shaped presents wrapped neatly with a nice little bow on top. Huge golden beads connected with a long line of fishing wire are hang all around the green Christmas tree. Lime green tinsel hooked to just above the massive fireplace golden lights shimmering everywhere. 

The children of this house stay up each and every Christmas Eve night and spy around the door waiting for Santa Claus to appear. This Christmas things are a little bit different. This year they are on a holiday in Samoa, how will Santa know where they are? "We don't even have a Christmas tree up this year!" One of the children say dramatically. "That's because were on holiday now darling." Their mother says. The children still stay up all night waiting for Santa. Each year Santa surprises them with something, like one  year Santa surprised them with a sack of gold and diamonds and another year Santa sneaked quietly behind them and said "BOO" that scared them so much. I wonder what Santa will bring this year.


  1. Kia ora I'm Mikayla from Yaldhurst Model SChool.
    I like the way you put the background on.
    this rember me of when last christmas.
    To improve you could put people and spech bubble's and satna and you with you gifts.
    what do you want for christmas?
    From Mikayla

    1. Hi Mikayla, I don't have any gifts yet. I want lots of things including a TV. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  2. Hi Ava, I am Riley from Yaldhurst Model School.
    I honestly love your post, because of all the outstanding words. Next time you can talk about the things that were challenging and why you did it. Was it fun?


    1. Hi Riley. It was really fun to make this story. Thanks for the feedback.


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