
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Book Review Childrens University: I Am Not A Worm.

 This book is made by Scott Telloch. I love the book I am not a worm because the ending is so funny! This is the front of the book. 

This is my favourite page in the book. It's my favourite page because the caterpillar gets a fright when the chameleon says "Hello little worm."

This book is about an annoying chameleon who annoys a caterpillar by saying he's a worm. Then the caterpillar gets mad and shouts and then in the end the chameleon gets pay back.

I highly recommend reading or listening online to this book.

Childrens University: Pop-Up-Penguins.

 Today we spent 2 hours in town doing a penguin hunt. We found loads of cool penguins. My favourite penguin we found was one with multi-coloured sequins. 

 We found 17 penguins all together. It took a long time!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Slow Write: May The 4th ~ Mansion In The Jungle.


Bright orange tiles tiling the weirdly shaped mansion roof. White gibed walls, orange installation, tiny hedges along the bottom of the plastered outdoor walls. Orange window ledges, red tinted windows rainbows reflecting fiercely off the tinted glass. Savage yellow lights blinding throughout the mansion. A large staircase leading up to a small wooden balcony looking out towards the humongous towering jungle trees. A giant serge of light falls over the gigantic orange-red castle. Through the monstrous brown trees lies 5 brightly coloured pink tiger lilies.

One sunny and bright morning I woke up to a huge bald head staring at me. I asked "WHO ARE YOU?!" the criminal replied sarcastically with "Wow!" and then I was like "Oh sorry I had a bad dream and forgot about my real life!" After that I realized oh dear this is gonna be a long LOONG day! I had to somehow manage today and try to make things right with      the criminal my dad. I race out of my bed straight to the pantry where I find cigarettes (eww), and porridge, spices, butter, bread, jam and vegemite. I decide to take the porridge and search through the freezing fridge. I find beer (eww), frozen berries, cheese, coke (eww), juice. I take out the frozen berries and start to make my breakfast.

Fitness- Literacy

For literacy as my second piece of work I chose to make a fitness scale and challenging events and that sort of thing. Here is what I did...

A challenging time:

A challenging time for me was when my mum, my siblings and I were walking with my dog back to our house from our friends house, and my mum was on a scooter and my dog was basically pulling her and they went through stones but the scooter stopped and my dog kept going, my mum fell off and got a huge scrape across her face I said in a worried voice “let's go back to Millah’s house!” but mum insisted we kept going. It was challenging for me because I didn’t like seeing her hurt and I knew I couldn’t do anything to help her. 

A challenging event:

A challenging event for me is athletics this year. It was more challenging than any year for me because I had a sore back from an activity I did earlier this year, and it hurt anytime I ran or jumped. So I had to do sprints with a sore back and long distance AND high jump. It was very challenging.

You start at Rawhiti school, walk out whatever gate you want and when you get to facing leaver tce then rotate left and walk down until you get to Sea Eagles place.

Walk down to the end of Sea Eagles Place and you will see a pathway going through to Surfers Place called Sea Eagles Reserve.

Walk all the way through to Surfers Place and then cross the road and turn right, walk down to the end of the street and turn left.

Stroll down Effingham Street and turn anticlockwise left down Tedder Ave walk to the very end of Tedder Ave and do a quarter turn left.

Continue to walk down Marriotts Road and turn so you're facing the Bowhill Road roundabout on Rookwood Ave.

When the closest pathway is near you go along the path and follow the street called Leaver Tce and then your back at Rawhiti school.

Fitness Literacy: Crusaders

Urmi's literacy group have been going deeper to our learning. We had to write a document about a challenging time, a challenging event and a small scale journey that others can do. Anyway here is my going deeper into fitness.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Blog Posts

                                                                 Blog posts...

Pros: It's a good way to share what you've been learning, others can write nice things about your posts.

Cons: Sometimes it's hard to think of what to write about, the auto correct is in American, some people can write bad things on your blog. 

A&P Show Animation

Today most of the class have been creating animations. We had a few thing we could do, the options were: Christmas, A&P Show, or literacy work. Obviously I chose A&P Show. I created this animation.

Literacy- Fitness

 A challenging time:

A challenging time for me was when my mum, my siblings and I were walking with my dog back to our house from our friends house, and my mum was on a scooter and my dog was basically pulling her and they went through stones but the scooter stopped and my dog kept going, my mum fell off and got a huge scrape across her face I said in a worried voice “let's go back to Millah’s house!” but mum insisted we kept going. It was challenging for me because I didn’t like seeing her hurt and I knew I couldn’t do anything to help her. 

A challenging event:

A challenging event for me is athletics this year. It was more challenging than any year for me because I had a sore back from an activity I did earlier this year, and it hurt anytime I ran or jumped. So I had to do sprints with a sore back and long distance AND high jump. It was very challenging.

  1. You start at Rawhiti school, walk out whatever gate you want and when you get to facing leaver tce then rotate left and walk down until you get to Sea Eagles place.

  2. Walk down to the end of Sea Eagles Place and you will see a pathway going through to Surfers Place called Sea Eagles Reserve.

  3. Walk all the way through to Surfers Place and then cross the road and turn right, walk down to the end of the street and turn left.

  4. Stroll down Effingham Street and turn anticlockwise left down Tedder Ave walk to the very end of Tedder Ave and do a quarter turn left.

  5. Continue to walk down Marriotts Road and turn so you're facing the Bowhill Road roundabout on Rookwood Ave.

  6. When the closest pathway is near you go along the path and follow the street called Leaver Tce and then your back at Rawhiti school.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Anzac Notes

Urmi's reading group had some choices of what we could do for a while.
The choices were Anzac / world war 1 information, fitness information, solar system,
lochness monster or a literacy circle. I chose the Anzac / world war 1. I have done lots of
notes and I've tried to make it into my own words.

The Maori Pioneer Battalion.

The youngest soldier was 15 years old

Ápirana Ngata hoped that the Maori people would become equal with the pakeha if they fought alongside pakeha

July 1915 the soldiers were sent to Gallipoli 

The British weren’t comfortable with the Maori fighting too

Eventually Maori were commanded to attack the Turkish trenches

Five hundred sailed to Egypt to Malta and they guarded that island for some weeks

17 Maori died, 89 were injured

134 came back alive 

‘Native troops’ weren’t allowed to accompany Germany so they got sent back home

The Maori got a huge party all over the country and knew they had done their part.

In the war 366 Maori were killed and more than 700 were hurt

After war still Europeans never saw eye to eye with Maori

Anzac Day.

Hundreds and hundreds lost their lives in the Gallipoli campaign

2779 New Zealanders were dead, 1 in 6 served in Gallipoli

ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps

Prayers, hymns and a dedication is in a ceremony as well as a minutes silence

25th of April is Anzac Day

Chunuk Bair.

The Gallipoli fighting went on for nine horrible months

Kemal whipped his soldiers to signal they should be firing and it’s said that later on he was hit in the chest by a shrapnel

Kemal had a watch in his pocket near his chest and the watch shattered but saved his life 

Memorials in New Zealand and Turkey for 120,000 people died in Gallipoli

      School Journal / First World War Mascots… Animals at war

In the first world war dogs were sent to look for injured soldiers, cats caught rats in some trenches, horses pulled wagons with guns and more inside, pigeons delivered messages, donkeys pulled water and other things. 

Mascots cheered up the soldiers and made sure they carried on

Some mascots couldn’t come home so they had to stay at war and some mascots got given to a zoo

The soldiers hoped Mascots would give them luck and keep them safe.


  Grey Angels.

Injured soldiers got sent to the nurses and some injuries were worse than others, if the men recovered well enough then they were sent back to war to fight again, others weren’t so lucky if they weren’t well enough then they got sent back home

Up to 500 people could go at a time on the ship

White ships also known as hospital ships ended up taking 47,000 soldiers in the end

Florence de Lisle was a nurse who was looking after the soldiers said that her biggest scare was when she was making a soldier's bed and realized he had no legs.

Thousands of men were in one hospital 

Some soldiers got blisters and swollen in their eyes and throats others got asthma 

Their breathing was horrible one nurse had described

Some men got shell shock and some couldn’t stop trembling, other soldiers got gassed

Extra information about World War 2

50 to 56 million people died in WW2

Literally the entire world was involved in war even just a tiny bit

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Christmas Card

Today I've been creating a Christmas card for my friend Millah. First I got a piece of paper and folded it in halve. Then I grabbed some coloured felt pens and a pencil and started drawing what I wanted on the front and back of the card. The colours I used were red, green, gold and brown. Here is what the almost complete card looks like...


And back.

Do you like my incomplete Christmas card?

Come To The Rawhiti School A&P Show.

 These are my posters that I made for the Rawhiti A&P show.

 Are you coming to the A&P show?

This is my farm poster sort of poster.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Hedgehog In Our Fire Pit (non fiction)

One morning I was sleeping in my spacious room and my mum tried to wake me up as usual but of course I was too tired to get out of bed so she left me to it. Then 5 minutes had past and she came bursting into my room she whispered "Ava, you might want to get up for this, we have a visitor!" I jumped out of bed and rushed into the living room to find no one. I looked out the window and saw my brother with his tablet. I walked outside and saw what all this fuss was about there was a frightened hedgehog scrambling about in the fire pit. It was so cute, we called it Sonic. Here are some pictures of Sonic.

 When my mum put Sonic carefully in a bucket he curled into a small ball and stayed there. We ended up putting Sonic in some bushes down our drive.

                                                    Has a hedgehog ever visited your house?

Christmas Quick Write: The Cozy Cottage.

                                                             The cozy cottage.

Bright fairy lights shine as bright as the Christmas tree in a Mr.Bean episode, the dark red and white stockings hang from the brick fireplace over top of the fierce fire. See through vases with blood red rhododendron flowers. A giant brown wooden rocking chair facing towards the roaring fire. A giant green fresh tree, red and golden, silver ornaments dangling like snowflakes. Monstrous box shaped presents wrapped neatly with a nice little bow on top. Huge golden beads connected with a long line of fishing wire are hang all around the green Christmas tree. Lime green tinsel hooked to just above the massive fireplace golden lights shimmering everywhere. 

The children of this house stay up each and every Christmas Eve night and spy around the door waiting for Santa Claus to appear. This Christmas things are a little bit different. This year they are on a holiday in Samoa, how will Santa know where they are? "We don't even have a Christmas tree up this year!" One of the children say dramatically. "That's because were on holiday now darling." Their mother says. The children still stay up all night waiting for Santa. Each year Santa surprises them with something, like one  year Santa surprised them with a sack of gold and diamonds and another year Santa sneaked quietly behind them and said "BOO" that scared them so much. I wonder what Santa will bring this year.