
Thursday, April 16, 2020

My origami making over the lockdown

This is some of my origami I've made over this lockdown!

This is my penguin and I only used 3 colours! This one was for beginners!

This is my seal me and my brother made it. It was hard when we had to reverse fold it! This one was for beginners!

This is my turtle my mum folded it with me. We had to cut the legs! This one was also a new one because it was the first intermediate level I've done!
I made a cat which is also intermediate, the second one!!

This panda is the first one I made. I didn't know how it was going to turn out.
This one was for beginners.


  1. Wow Ava, what beautiful origami you have made. Some of it looks really complicated. I think this would be a cool activity to do for Monday Mashup when we get back to school. Do you think you would like to lead it?

  2. They look so good Ava. I'm wondering if you could take a google hangout and teach others how to do that? Maybe send a message to your teachers and see if this is possible.

  3. Gosh Ava they look fantastic. I love how you have coloured the patterns then folded it into the animal. Were these out of a book? I am sure there would be other children in your studio who would love to try these also.

  4. Oh my god Ava, they are so good!! How did you make them? Out of a book or maybe watched a video? It will be great to see you when we are out of lock down. :)

  5. I would love to learn how to make the origami animals. Do you colour the paper first or construct the origami first. How are you displaying them? You could "Screencastify" explaining what you did to create these awesome creatures.

  6. Urmi- I would love to but there's no more pictures so would have to start a completely new one! That may not be a bad thing though!
    Paul-im not sure!
    HelenP- yes they were out of a book! There probably would be!
    Mikaela- I can't wait to see you too and Tara and Maea!! I might be able to teach you guys if I'm allowed to do it for Monday mash up!
    Sharon- I would love to teach you! I will think about it and it's very tricky using a tablet because I'm used to Chromebooks.
    Glad you like it everyone!

  7. Wow Ava that looks amazing, my favorite is the penguin because the colour makes the penguin pop with colour. Did you have certain colours you used ? Anyway it is beautiful.

  8. You were with me when I did it!!!!


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