
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Facts about the one and only Water Scorpions.

The water scorpions resembles as a dead leaf that floats in the water. After taking enough oxygen from the water, they can remain in water for about 30 minutes. They keep oxygen in the tubes that are in their tail.
Image result for Water scorpion floating
Are Water Scorpions DANGEROUS i wonder!? 
The bite of the water scorpion is painful but is far less harmful to humans than the sting of the true scorpion. Water scorpions are black but kinda brown and the size is about 25 to 52 millimetres (1 to 2 inches) in length. The different species vary somewhat in shape.
Are water scorpions carnivores?
There are about 50 different species of water scorpion. These creatures are aquatic animals. It almost identifies like a land scorpion in many ways. These water scorpions are carnivores, and they usually feed on fish and other aquatic insects.
Where do they live I wonder?
Scorpions can be observed in many types of habitats. However, most scorpions prefer deserts. Most scorpions hide under logs, rocks, boards and clutter. Some like the bark scorpion, rest on vertical surfaces like trees, bushes and walls.
Where can you find the most dangerous scorpions?
Also known as fat tailed,Androctonus Scorpion is the most dangerous scorpion specie found in the world. Just 4 inches in length theycan kill human beings in minutes. Androctonus mostly live under rocks and other sort of shelter. They avoid coastal areas or anywhere that is high humidity.

When they are born, baby scorpions have a very soft outside shell, or exoskeleton. ... Sometimes when the mother scorpion cannot find enough insects, bugs, or grub worms to eat, she will eat her own babies. Luckily this is only a last resort. Usually, the mother scorpion will eat her babies only to survive.
                     I think thats very rude.

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