
Wednesday, November 3, 2021


                                                     CHAPTER ONE

At 8.30pm as I walk back from the bathroom to the tent I hear a high pitched squeal. As I unzip the tent with trembling hands the squeal repeats again. I quickly shut the flap and zipped up my sleeping bag. 

Tara came back at 8.35 and said “hellow?” I replied by saying Hi. She was completely oblivious that there was a scream, when I asked about it. Maybe I was just imagining it? 

I woke again at 3.00am - needing to go to the bathroom. I was a bit reluctant but in the end desperate. As I quickly shuffled, remembering the events of last night, I saw a shadow through the trees. I scream in my head and sprint into the bathroom. Barely missing a muddy puddle.

Rushing into a cubicle I hear footsteps entering, and stay as quiet as a mouse, lifting my legs up so it can’t see me. The voice cackles a witch's laugh sending a shiver down my spine. I shredder with fear, wanting to run away.

Loudly opening each cubicle door calling as it goes ‘BOO’. Each time it comes near my cubicle I slide under the side of the wall then back again. The voice says “You can run, but you can’t hide.” And releases another cackle. I have to get out of here before - squeaking of the door - ‘BOO’!

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