
Monday, July 27, 2020

How To Make Fake Snot

How To Make Fake Snot.🤪


  • 2 teaspoons of Gelatin
  • Hot Water
  • 1/4 cup of Glucose Syrup
  • 2 bowls
  • Spoon
  • Food Colouring (preferably green for a snot colour.)


  1. Put halve a cup of hot water into a bowl.
  2. Pour 2 teaspoons of Gelatin into that bowl.
  3. Stir the gelatin and hot water together.
  4. Now get another bowl and add 1/4 cup of glucose syrup.
  5. Add a few drops of food colouring.
  6. Mix glucose syrup and food colouring together.
  7. Slowly pour your mixture of gelatin and hot water into the food colouring and glucose syrup.
  9. Now you have to mix thoroughly and have a lot of patience!!
  10. TA-DA! Now after all the steps your snot is ready to possibly eat! 
  11. If you would like you can eat it. And put a little under your nose to pretend it's real snot. 😖😝😀 

Te Reo Scavenger Hunt.

Friday, July 24, 2020

My measurement investigation.

My Measurement Investigation.

My buddy is Maea.
We are going to measure the front of the studio's.
My estimate is 700 meters.
Maea's estimate is 500 meters.
The accurate measurement is 180m.

We are going to measure the bag racks. (only 1)
My estimate is 2 meters high 3 meters long.
Maea's estimate is 2 meters high 3 meters long.
The accurate measurement is 3 meters long and 1 meter 95cm high.

Quick Write Fish

Quick Write.
I think my family has left me for a fish. How am I going to live alone? Amongst the purple coral is a sunken ship, maybe that could be my home? I notice that inside the ship is dangerous cannons. Also human beds and a modern kitchen and in that kitchen is a thing that holds water. I touched it now i'm burnt. This ship definitely sunk recently.


Today we have been learning measurements. I learnt different types of measurements for example: liters, centimeters, height, width, millimeters, micrometers etc. We had some questions here are what we asked: Can you measure the world? How much water is there in the world? Can you measure the universe from out of space?
Then we got in a line smallest to tallest. We also had a sheet of paper with what object we were going to measure and estimate how long in width or length it was.  The we had to measure the object and find out how long or wide it actually was. I did the projector and estimated how long I thought it was and drew a quick picture of it then found out what length it actually was. I got so close. We had to do that about 7 times. 

Quick Write House

Quick Write.

In the middle of nowhere is a house for a family of 5. The tiles on the roof are mossy and the windows are no more. Through the chimney there are white flame like things. When you look at the house from faraway you can see that the walls are peeling like when you get sunburnt. Now you can see red bricks. Where the windows were is now green paneling. Outside when you look at the house it looks so old and ugly but when you walk in it is so luxury and modern. From the kitchen you can see a dark green bench, two windows overlooking it and the moon.

Quick Write Magic Carpet.

Quick Write.

Startled I jumped out of my orange bed to see Star my pet dog bouncing excitedly on my wooden floorboards. I look towards where Star is looking and I see a flying carpet. The carpet is as red as a rose, there is a golden outline and a slight tint of blue. All of my favourite colours! I decide to hop on and... WHOOSH... The magical carpet now has gold stars shimmering underneath. As I fly my ginger hair shoots out behind me and my pj's fly in the wind. Oh, no a tree how do I turn around? HELP!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Measuring the bike track.

Today we had to estimate how long we thought the bike track was. I thought it was 400 meters but it turns out it was 429. I got really close. We used a wheel clicker. A wheel clicker is something that makes a clicking feel when you get a meter away from where you started. Have you got a bike track at your school?

Monday, July 20, 2020


On Friday it was my step-dads birthday. We organised to have holiday in Punakaiki for 3 days and 2 nights. We booked our accommodation on Webb Street. We packed all the stuff we needed and booked Arlo and Pixel's (my 2 dogs) accommodation, we chose to give them to a place that treated all the dogs the same, I say this because we looked at a place that had 3 levels of accommodation and expensive and food wasn't included! It was a ridiculous price like $75. So anyway I woke up in the morning (well actually my mum woke me up) and I got dressed and then Steve asked me if I wanted to go with him to drop the dogs off I said "Sure!" so we drove with the dogs in the car to the place and then drove back again. We then packed all the bags in the car including the cake we made the day before, and stopped in a few times at different places and then decided to go through Arthur's Pass. Our first stop in arthur's pass was a place called 'Deaths Corner.' We saw loads of kea's and the weather felt like -5 degrees. We hurriedly piled back into the car and drove quickly away! Our second stop was in Hokitika and we stopped at Hokitika Gorge. We saw the amazing blue water and walked along the shakey bridge. We climbed the slippery mossy rocks and got our photos taken. The fantails were very friendly and photo bombed our photos! We walked all the way back again and had lunch. Our next stop was at Hokitika beach to look at the hokitika sign. We stopped in at a place where you can look for green stone and take it home. We got out of the car and rolled under the barbwire. Me and Steve went towards the river mouth and found 2 bits of proper green stone. We headed back to the car and Maia had this big rock that she thought was green stone she left it behind and then I dared her to go back and get it so we yet again rolled under the barbed wire but Maia decided the rock was too heavy to roll with so yeeted it over. Then we had no more stops so just went straight to Punakaiki. When we eventually made it we weren't sure if it was the right house because there were 2 cars in the driveway and loads of shoes on the door step so Steve called the owner of the house. It was so silent the the call ended and we got the bad news... Our accommodation was double booked. We tried mulipul solutions but nothing was for us. So we sadly drove back to Christchurch. Steve made a deal with us that we could have McDonald's and stay up for as long as we wanted and watch TV. So we did. At McDonald's I got a m and m mcflurry and large fries and everyone else got coke and burgers. We watched the next step and the healing power's of dude. The time we went to sleep at was 2:00am. 

Did you go on a holiday in the holidays?

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Go global children's university

For children's university I now have 11 hours. Yesterday I did an activity called Go Global. 
Here is what it said...

Your challenge this month is to research a country that begins with the initial letter of your first or last name. Choose some interesting and unusual facts about that country to share and remember to include details of the country’s location, language and population.
Create a Poster or Powerpoint presentation to display the facts that you have discovered and include maps and images to add interest.
Here is what I wrote...

I also did Madagascar so here it is...

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Gore Bay

When we went to Kaikoura we stopped at Gore Bay, oh what a nice place it would be to live! We found about 7 paua and lots of amazing rocks and shells. Some of the stones had holes all the way through and some only had some partly through. Along a fence to the beach was stones with holes through dangled by string. All of which had writing that said things like... was there 2020.

Our Kiakoura Journey

On Saturday Kaeden, Maia, mum, Steve and I drove to Kiakoura. On the drive I felt sick but luckily I didn't spew! As we drove past the rocks and beach we saw about 5 seals! We went to a fish and chip shop and ordered 3 fish, 1 donut, 1 hot dog, 2 potato fritters and 3 scoops of salty chips. We sat at a picnic table to eat them and seagulls flew crazily around us wanting the delicious meal. As they flew I was starting to get annoyed so I threw my arms in the air and ALMOST hit a bird! We also saw seals. There was one seal on the boardwalk, one seal in flax, one seal lying on the beach, one seal by the mountain and one seal by a rock. Maia, Kaeden, mum and I decided to climb the mountain to see the view. Me and Kaeden got puffed a quarter of the way up and Maia and mum didn't get puffed at all!! When we started un-climbing the unclimbable pathway we met Steve halve way down. As soon as we reached the bottom me and Maia needed to go toilet so mum me and Maia all went to the bathroom but Kaeden and Steve went to take photos of the seal on the boardwalk everyone backed away when he started to stretch, it turns out he was trying to poop, then he did a humongous sloppy joe Kaeden and Steve hated it they said that it was the worst smell ever. And then the seal went back to the boardwalk and dragged his butt through the slimy poo!When we started to head back sadly we saw a dead deer.😪 When we got back to Christchurch we had to head to my auntie's birthday party. So we went back home dropped Steve off picked Arlo up (my dog) and went to northwood. At the party I ate 1 and a quarter pieces of the world's best chocolate cake. Then it was 9.00, Kaeden and Maia asked Grandma if they could have a sleepover, grandma said yes so me, Arlo and mum all drove back home and went straight to sleep.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Great Rawhiti Bake Off

For The Great Rawhiti Bake Off I'm creating a cake and on top will be 5 ladybugs and some sprinkles. Here are some photos of my creation...

 This is me and Maia pouring the 
mixture into the cake tin.
 This is me and my sister reading the recipe and adding ingredients.

This is me making butterflies using our butterfly cutter. 

This is me with the final product.

Do you want the recipe for the delicious Crazy Italian Egg-Free Chocolate Cake? Here it is:                         Ingredients:1 1/2 cups standard flour.1 cup caster sugar1/2 cup of good quality dark baking cocoa1 1/4 tsp baking soda3/4 tsp salt1/3 extra virgin olive oil1 tbsp balsalmic vinegar2-3 tsp pure vanilla essence1 1/2 cups of waterMethodPreheat the oven to 160c regular bake.
Grease a 20-22cm cake tin and dust all over with cocoa (make sure the tin isn’t too big or the cake will be a little flat). Or, just plonk a piece of baking paper in (that’s what I do now). If your tin is too big, it won’t rise properly.
Sift the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt into a large mixing bowl. Stir with a whisk to combine evenly. Make a large well in the centre.
Pour the olive oil, vinegar, vanilla and water into the well. Using the whisk, start in the middle and stir the mixture GENTLY in a circular motion until the mixture is combined to a smooth batter – don’t worry if there a few small lumps, these will disappear in the oven. Don’t go crazy or you’ll flatten all the bubbles.
Bake just below the centre of the oven for about 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. Remove the cake from the oven.
If you’re going to serve it as a cake, let it cool in the tin for 10 minutes before turning it out onto a rack. You can either dust with icing sugar to serve or ice it when cool (see below).
For a delicious pudding, dust with icing sugar and serve straight hot, straight from the tin, with ice cream.
The cake keeps in an airtight container for about 4 days (if it actually lasts that long I’ll be surprised).
Chocolate icing
Place the chopped chocolate and butter (or coconut cream) in heatproof bowl, then set over a saucepan of simmering water (don’t let the water touch the bowl).Stir until melted, then remove the bowl from the saucepan stir in the oil.
Leave to cool at room temperature until it’s thick enough to spread on the cake. If you try and speed it up by putting it in the fridge, keep an eye on it as it will need stirring often.  Thanks for reading!                    Thanks for reading!!

Childrens University

Yay! I made it into Children's University! For Children's University I already have 3 and a halve hours! The first activity I did was a story called 'Annie And The Shipwreck'. I had to ask someone a real story that happened to them, so I asked my grandma. The story I asked her about was how she got to NZ. I asked her multiple questions like 'What she travelled in to get to NZ' and ' Who she travelled with' and 'If she met grandpa in NZ.' The other things I did were Chinese Language episodes, so I learnt how to draw the words in Chinese and what they meant. I did seven episodes of Chinese. (Which is all of them!) The only episodes I haven't got accepted are 6 and 7 but I'm sure Helen will do that. Now the activity I'm doing is baking and decorating a cake. My step-dad says it's the best cake in the world! And on July the 15th me and my family are going to weave a star. And after that we are going to the Botanical Gardens because they are close to one another! I will take my passport for Children's University with me to get it stamped.