
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Basic Facts Scores

Sort of test
45 out of 60
41 out of 60
24 out of 60
Timed test
27 out of 60
Timed test
51 out of 60
Sheet    extra time
27 out of 60
Timed test
26 out of 60
Timed test
37 out of 60
Timed test
38 out of 60
Timed test
35 out of 60
Timed test

This is part of our Maths session with Urmi we go to the learning site and then we find the slide that says do your basic facts here and click the link.
We have been doing this since the 13th of February 2020. We have created a Bar Chart using the data we've collected.

Do you know how to make a bar chart?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Coin Toss

What was your prediction?

Monday, February 24, 2020

Fire Dragon

Are you good at writing descriptive stories?

Dragonfly sunrise

                                               Dragonfly sunrise

1) First we had to trace a dragonfly template onto a piece of paper.
2) Then we got given some card and we placed it on the piece of paper
and traced the dragonfly onto that.
3) Afterwards we coloured the body and wings with the wings we made patterns and cool designs.
4) We had a piece of A4 paper and with mine i made a sunrise over a lake with fish and seeweed below the lake there is some thick grass.
5) Finally we stuck the dragonflies onto the paper.

Do you think you,ll be able to create a dragonfly landscape like mine?

Friday, February 21, 2020

Statistical Investigation.

Do you know how to make a tally graph?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Opps-I tried to open the wrong car door.

I couldn't understand why it wasn't opening.Same dark blue and same
everything.I think. OH I heard a piercing alarm I leant against the solid blue
I turned to look at the car beside me.
It looked polished,shiny and comfortable.
It looked completely right, right tyres right colour and right inside…

I had found it! My dad,sister and brother teased me about it for what felt like ages. I eventually was like I didn't mean to go to the  wrong car and set the alarm off! (laugh laugh laugh.)

I felt so silly for the rest of the week.

 How would you feel if you accidentally opened the wrong car door and set the alarm off?

Friday, February 14, 2020

TWM term 1 writing Opps

I heard screeching noises then a neenaw neenaw. As I looked out the fiery window something caught me. I screamed for it to let me go.
I turned to look at it, I stared into its purple eyes. I repeated, “let me go!” Its huge silver mouth said “OK.”
Then I felt loads of air filling my lungs, I panicked. I felt my head banging on the sides of my house. I automatically put my hand to my head and felt gooey red liquid rushing for air. I saw an ambulance pull up then a fire truck.
This was so bad!

What would you do if you were in this position?

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Pie Chart