
Monday, April 8, 2019

Tote bags

                                                      Sewing our Tote bags

First we had to plan our idea on a piece of paper, then we coped it
 on to material. 
The next step we did was painting we painted the inside
 of our design the we did the vivid we did the vivid then 
because the paint would over-take the vivid we carefully though.
Then we had to focus on our straps, we cut pieces of material the length 
we thought was right, 
and we pined the pins onto it, then we went to the sewing machine and sewed
 them together and then we turned them inside out,. Now onto the bag we pined
 the bag and sewed with our hands and then we went to the machine
 with our bags inside out then we turned it the right way and then waited for 
our turn when it was our turn we sewed our straps on to the bag 
Then your basically done...
I really enjoy doing Tote bags!
Thanks for listening! 


  1. I really like your tote bag the design on the tote bag.
    to be truthful I don´t have any tip´s or thing´s you could do better.

    Great gob!


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