
Monday, March 4, 2019

Step-Dads are awesomly easy to trick

When my step-dad came to see us for the first or second time me and my sister went to get cat
for the cats.        But he thought that they were Chocolate drops.
He said '' Can i have one of those chocolate drops?''  I said " their not chocolate drops their cat         biscuts." 
  He said "No surly their not."  I said " actually they are chocolate drops".
   Then he tried one "Eww." 
   "Please get me a drink of water." Me and my sister got him a drink of water.
   He said you little tricksters."

                                        True story.


  1. I love this story Ava! It's very well written and I love the title. I think you should write more, you've started with a true event but you could write about some made up tricks! could even come up with some more tricks for Steve and then write about them!

  2. That's really funny story. I like how you tricked your
    stepdad i trick my sister all the time. I am trying to
    think of something helpful but i can't you did everything
    good. Cool story. P.s there are other comment's from me in some
    of your other work.



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