
Friday, September 21, 2018

Sensing food!

         Celery tasted like liquiorice. It felt like crunchy.


I learnt what fennel tastes like and what lemon tastes like.
When I was at food tasting I tasted something I never had before it was lemon and it actually tasted yum, (and sour.)
The fennel tasted like grass to me. It felt bumpy.
The rice cracker tasted like a really salty cracker.It felt heavy.
Broccoli tasted like a small piece of tree. It felt squishy.
Kiwi fruit tastes sweet. It felt weird on my tongue.
Granny smiths apples tasted like Apricots. It felt slippery on my tongue.
The parsley tasted leaf like. It felt rough on my tongue.

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