
Monday, November 30, 2020

A&P Show What Me And Alequa Have Chosen To Make And Sell.

For the A&P show Alequa and I have decided to create driftwood frames. The driftwood frames look like a frame and a small hook at the top creating a hook to hold the frame on the wall. It has crushed pawa shells on the top and bottom piece of driftwood. The hook has a piece of string connected to a shell with a lime green background a ladybug and an bumble bee painted on. This is a picture of our first finished product. 

My New Favourite Game.

My new favourite game is definitely Battleships. I love battle ships because it's so easy to learn how to play and the rules aren't hard. Last weekend my mum and sister were playing Guess Who and so me and my brother had nothing to do, mum said "Why don't you find a game to play together?" Me and Kaeden looked at each other like "Why not?" Kaeden said to me "Can you go get a game from the cupboard?"I started to walk out of the room when he shouted "Can you get Battleships." I shouted " I don't know how to play that but OK." When I got back we set it up and Kaeden and mum taught me what to do and how to do it. When I got the hang of it it was really enjoyable. I would definitely suggest for those who haven't played Battleships to try it and see what you think.

                                                    Have you played battleships before?

Blog Template Art Colouring Book.


Museo Robert Brady is the artist and he drew Frida Kahlo.
Today Tawhitimatea got asked if they wanted to sign up for the summer learning journey. We were able to colour a image and then we had to create a blog post about it. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Wednesday Flipout (Move X), Laser Tag And Nerf Maze Wars

This week on Wednesday Tawhitimatea, Tane mahuta and Ata hapara's year 6's went to Flipout (Move X). At Flipout (Move X) there is all the trampolines and the foam pit but there is also a hut making area/gymnastics. 

There is a laser tag area where you have cool laser guns and the staff tell you how to use them and then give you a gun and you have to run after every one and shoot them with invisible lasers. Once all your guns energy level gets to zero then you have to run and hide for 20 seconds so then once 20 seconds is up you can shoot people again. When you need to reload you slam a big button on your gun and then it gets back up to 18 bullets. 

The Nerf Maze Wars is in the same place as the Laser Tag area but this time you have real Nerf bullets. The gun can hold about 6 bullets at once but can only shoot one at a time. For the Nerf Maze Wars it's a free for all with the bullets and then load them into you and the other people in your teams guns and then hide from the other team then shoot them BANG! Once you get hit 5 times you have to retreat back to your base.

My favourite part of the whole trip was definitely Nerf Maze Wars. I loved sneaking up on people and shooting them! My least favourite thing was also Nerf Maze Wars because Melody shot me just under my eye, we weren't even supposed to be shooting anyone then. 

Tuesday Inflatable World And Bowling.

On Tuesday Tawhirimatea, Tane Mahuta and Ata Hapara's year 6's went on a trip to Inflatable world and bowling. First we went to inflatable world and ten after lunch we walked to bowling, and did bowling the rest of the time. 

My favourite part of Inflatable World was when I jumped from a bouncy castle to a jumping zone. My least favourite thing about inflatable world was having no one to play with and not knowing where to fill up my drink bottle. I am proud of myself for jumping off a high castle because I am scared of heights.  

At bowling in my team was Tara, Breanna, Eartha, Minttu and Mya. Tara won the first round and got about 3 strikes and the second round we didn't finish but Eartha was in the lead and I was one point behind her. My favourite part of bowling was when I got a strike. My least favourite part was when I had to bowl without the gutters up. It was a very fun day.

Free Write: Fox Story Chapter 3.

 Chapter 3: Home at last.

Into the ute they went and they slept the whole drive to the humongous mansion. The ute stopped and the red foxes awakened, they ran in circles around the edges of the cage and then relaxed. 

The automatic door opened into a large coat hanging area, and a massive elevator. They walked into the giant elevator and pressed for the 5th floor. They heard a ‘bleep’ then the doors opened into an enormous room with polished wood flooring, dark blue walls and a huge golden chandelier. The couple and the cage slid out of the elevator and into the enormous room. Jeff sat down on the wooden floor and put the cage on the ground. Amy got a giant cooling blanket, a big bowl of water and opened the cage door for the foxes to come out and explore. The adorable little baby foxes shoot out and go to the toilet on a mat that Jeff got for them to go toilet on. 

Free Write: Fox Story. Chapter 2

 Chapter 2: The Cage.

Amy (the girl from the couple) scrambled through the forest back to their mansion and grabbed a large cage, and some food and then fastly drove in her Ute back to the fluffy, red creatures. 

When she arrived she noticed that Jeff (her husband) was sitting on the ground trying to distract the mummy fox from her babies so then she would get used to him. Amy jumped out of the Ute, grabbed the big cage and quietly put it on the ground with a bit of fish in a bowl as well. The red fox sniffed the cage and then went straight inside and slept. When the babies recognized their mum was gone they started to get worried and started whining. The baby foxes sprinted out of the bunny hole and saw that there lying on a cooling mat was their mum. They all bounded inside and snuggled up apart from each other because it was as boiling as an oven on full blast.

Free Write: Fox Story Chapter 1.

Fox Story         

Chapter 1: Oak Tree.

One burning hot Californian morning a friendly bright veterinarian couple decided to emerge from their mansion,  and go for a big walk to check up on the oak tree they planted 6 years ago when they first met. 

As they strolled through the forest they noticed a boy fox bouncing through their feet. They followed the fox and ended up being led to their oak tree. They approached the tree and saw two pointy red ears in a bunny hole beneath the tree, they talked to each other and said “I wonder what those are.” As they got closer they saw even more, but this time they were tiny. When they were opposite the mysterious creature they knew that it was not in good condition. They said it looked like it was in need of food, cold air and water. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Inquiry prototype 1

For Inquiry lately Alequa and I have been making driftwood sculpture prototypes for the A&P show. Our first finished prototype is a frame made from driftwood and a shell with a bee and ladybug on it. We had to make a rectangle out of wood, and then tie all the edges together using string that
Urmi supplied for us. Then Alequa got some hooks from her dad and we pushed that through the top piece of driftwood. Finally we connected the string to one shell and connected that piece of string to the hook. That is our first prototype completed. Here is a photo of the frame.

I hope that someone will want to buy this.

3D Shapes

 Maths Work.

I made a cube out of tooth picks and blutack. All the faces are squares. First I had to make a square for the bottom then I had to put 4 tooth picks at each piece of blutack and then make another square and connect that. This is my finished cube.

This is my square based pyramid. As you can tell by the name of this shape it has a square base and then 4 triangles connected at the top by one piece of blutack. That is all I had to do to create the shape.

Quick Write: Snowmen on the doorstep


In the middle of winter snow forms outside the doors. Snowmen are made and heaps of snowmen pile outside the doors of 'Mujians'. The Mujians' family are magical and have a curse, the Christmas curse. Each Christmas snowmen waddle to their doorstep forming a barrier so they are barricaded in and can't come out. Each Christmas this happens, they need to find the witch who put the curse on their family and persuade her to make it stop. The snowmen have different sized noses and eyes, and many many more.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Quick Write: Elephant 8th of March Pobble 365


In the dark, burnt forest giant grey feet stomping on the hot burnt sticks. Strapped to the friendly beast is a leather belt followed by four medium sized suitcases. On top of the brown leather suitcases lies loosely a sleeping stripy baby tiger, ME! Burma the elephant's feet are burnt and sore, I feel sad for her but there's no other way round. The small black sticks are very painful for poor Burma. Humongous ears floating peacefully in the boiling air. Her trunk is as long as a giant's door x 100,0000. Her skin is soft and wrinkly, whereas mine is soft and fluffy.

Burma and I grew up together and were born in the same jungle, you would probably think that a tiger would eat a lion but no I love to play with Burma and she is like a sister to me. My mum works at a food place and I sometimes help if I can't sleep. She takes my clothes out of my wardrobe and dresses me then we walk through the then forest and to her work. Sometimes dad and my brothers came but they're usually too lazy to get out of bed.

I hear the crunching noises of sticks being broken and my yawning when I finally wake up. Burma's talking to herself again and I make out these words "Oh my gosh my feet are killing me." Next time were getting a cab!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Rawhiti school A&P Show- Pet photography

 I have two cats and two dogs, this is a photo of Arlo and Pixel my two dogs.

These are my cats.
The top one is Lacey and the bottom one is Hendrix. They are twins, they are eight years old.

Do you have any pets?

Rawhiti school A&P Show- Animal Origami.

I created lots of animal Origami. Here is a picture of the origami animals. It was hard. I created an owl, a panda, a seal, a turtle, mouse, and a penguin. Have you created any Origami animals. 

Rawhiti A&P Show, Dog Tricks.

For the Rawhiti school A&P show my 2 dogs and I did lots of tricks. We made a video (my mum videoed us!) and I think we did an amazing job. Pixel is the big golden white swiss shepard x welsh springer spaniel puppy (she's one this month) and Arlo is the small adult purebred shi-tzu. Anyways here's the video. Arlo and Pixel actually just before we had made the video learnt a new trick. Arlo's new trick was called meerkat and he sat on his back legs. And Pixel's trick was high-five.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Quick Write- Pobble 365- 4th September Photo


In the town of Horror moss grows on houses and on trees. The lights inside people's houses is the only light in the whole town. Huge long staircases leading from house to house from village to village. Horror town has guards that are nutcrackers. The lanterns are a low light sort of thing and everyone loves the dark.

Chromebook Shortcuts.

1. A useful shortcut is when you try to delete more than one thing in your drive is to 'Shift' and then press down on the mouse and drag to the bottom of whatever you want to delete the drag it to the  trash then let go of both.

2. Another handy shortcut is 'Ctrl' c to copy, then go to where you want to paste and 'Ctrl' v.

3. To delete a file or a folder is to 'Alt' and backspace.

4. To rename a file or a folder 'Ctrl' and enter

5. If you want a google assistance press search and a at the same time.

Alice In Wonderland


A bright blue knee long dress with a black belt and a black strip down the bottom of the dress. Snow white knee long socks is what Alice is wearing. Her shoes are black school shoes with a Velcro strap. 

Multiple  black and red cards swarming rapidly around a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and the bluest eyes ever seen. She looks as confused as a newborn lion cub. The whispers are whispering "sssh" "sssshhhh" swarming her brain with bad thoughts.