
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Maori Masks

                        Maori Masks
On Tuesday me and my circle time group made some maori masks.

We got told that the best way to do the colour is to push down quite hard but not too hard that you break the pencil.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Bottle lake trip.

On Monday me and my inquiry group sat in the back of the
School vans, while Bex the teacher aide drove the van.

When we got there, we all jumped out of the van.
I was with my mum.
Urmi said ¨Go play on the playground.¨
Then Leon somehow got his shoe stuck on the roof of
the toilets!
Fortunately Bex lifted Bailey  onto the roof, it was lucky
That he kicked it near the gutter…
We all gathered around to set some rules.
Most parents got an ipad to take photos with.


Along the way we saw and took photos of some interesting things.
We found a curly furred puppy and a dog and a very detailed hut.
There was a flying fantail that went from tree to tree, there
was a orange mushroom with white spots and trucks crossing to the


After ,the ipad felt a bit sweaty and so did my hands.
We walked some ran up the gigantic hill.
When we got up there we saw a old small hand built look-out.
From the hill you could see the beach and the trees in the forest.
You could also see the houses on hills.

Part way through the sandy dunes we were too busy taking
Photos we got lost,although we thought we were we managed
To get out and back with our group.
While we were having another play on the playground Urmi
Gathered up all the ipads.


At the start I felt super energetic.
At the end I felt exhausted and ready to go back to school.
It smelt disgusting near the Landfill!

I really enjoyed the experience.