
Monday, December 9, 2019

Massive pyramids and forces from circles

Massive Pyramids and forces from circles!
Do you know why the circles are stronger than the triangles.
I think that the triangles will be less strong than the circles because the circles have more layers.
1)First roll 16 pieces of paper into a circle shape.
2)Now put enough tape about three pieces one on the top one on the bottom and one in the middle.
3)You now put them into groups of four and tape all four together.
4)Finally add it ALL together and add more and more dictionaries.
I saw the tower of paper slowly tipping and topping as we put more books on it.
Paper can be as strong as card board because of the layers/times you wrap it around.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Big Bad Hammock.

The Big Bad Hammock.

Wednesday the 13th of July 2010.

A pretty girl with the blondest hair
was determined to find out how
many people of her community can fit
on 1 hammock.
What a weird thing to be determined to
find out about!
Although soon I will be able to find out
the answer to my question.

Thursday the 14th of July.

I thought the only way to get that many
people to my house at once is to send
out an invitation to the public of Diamond Harbour.
Meanwhile our community thought that
I was giving them an invitation to a dance party.
Then I thought about it and thought that
I don’t want to disappoint the public so
maybe we will have a party afterwards.

Friday 15th July.

Yay It’s finally the day to see how many
people can fit in a hammock!
Oh yeah and party day (boring for me at least.)
1 hour later..
Yay now the guests are starting to arrive.
All the guests arrive in groups of about 6.
Little do they know what’s ahead of them…

One by one the community carefully sit in
the hammock.

24 minutes later…
Guess what the hammock holds 12 adults
and 10 children at least for now we are just
about to put the skinniest adult in our
community on the hammock.

1 minute later…

“Ahh” We all screamed as the hammock
collapsed with a HUMONGOUS earthquake
feeling bump.
My heart was racing at 100 beats per minute.
Who’s ready for a party !?
My ears felt like they had just burst because
of how loud they all said  “YES”
12 minutes later…
When we finally got into my house my heart
filled with joy as I saw everyone joining in.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Paul Jennings Literacy Circle

As a part of our reading this term we have been learning to make a literacy circle.

We hope you get some cool ideas from our literacy circle.😎😎😄😄

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Coke And Mentos Science Experiment

Coke And Mentos Science Experiment

Hypothesis~I think that the coke will explode from inside the bottle.

Science behind it~It fizzes up because when the mentos 
Sinks to the bottle it makes the coke fizz,it makes a physical reaction


  1. First grab your coke bottle and make sure to have sour mentos
  2. and fast reflexes!
  3. Now add your mentos and now your reflexes come in handy…
  4. WATCH OUT it will come spurting out!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Bubble solutions

Bubble Solutions.

Have you ever heard

of making homemade bubble mixture/s?

Well,this is how you can make 3 mixtures...

Which solution executes the best outcome?


   The equipment needed for solution No.2

  1.  Light corn syrup

  2.  Sunlight dishwashing liquid

  3.   Water

  4.  Pipe cleaner (1)

  5.  Bucket (1)

        The process/Steps

 Get your pipe cleaner

and fold the pipe cleaner

into a shape. I suggest a circle

shape to start off with.

 Get your clean bucket and

put some hot water into it.

 Put in a couple of cups of

sunlight dishwashing liquid

into the water.

 Now put a couple of spoonfuls

of corn syrup into it all and MIX!

 Now you've got No.2 mix of bubbles.

To use the bubble mixture it's

like ordinary bubbles.

Now lets create bubble No.1

  1.  Water

  2.  Bucket

  3.  Sunlight dishwashing liquid

  4.  Pipe cleaner

  5.  Glucose 



First get your clean bucket.

Now like solution No.2 fold
your coloured or plain pipe
cleaner into any shape.
Put a couple of cups of hot
water into the bucket.
Now it's time for heating up
the spoon for the Glucose.
Heat it up for about 30
seconds only if your
Glucose is hard,if its
not then just put it in for 20 seconds.
 Now mix the Glucose with the hot water.
It is now time for the Sunlight
dishwashing liquid.
Add about half a cup of it into
the rest of the mixture.
NOW YOU'VE GOT 2 bubble mixtures.

Onto Bubble mixture No.3

This time you will be needing 
  1.  A clean bucket 
  2. A pipe cleaner 
  3. Sunlight dishwashing liquid 

First get your pipe cleaner
and make it into a shape of your choice.
Now Get Your clean Bucket add
some hot water to it,
Put how much dishwashing
liquid to it until you feel comfortable.

Now ALL of the mixtures are made…
I hope you have fun with it.


Lava Volcano Experiment

Hypothesis~I think that the baking soda will make it explode.

What actually happened~It did explode but not because of the baking soda it was because of all the ingredients when they combined.

Science behind it~Mixing the baking soda and vinegar together makes a chemical reaction.

I observed~I saw the bubbles overflowing out side of the cup.

First you add some baking soda into a cup.
Now add several drops of colouring if you want to.
After add loads of vinegar.
Finally give it a shake and KABOOM. 

I hope you enjoyed this experiment as much as i did.

Friday, September 6, 2019


               PLASTIC IS TROUBLE!
  • 4-12  Million Metric tons of plastic washes into the ocean every year
  • Plastic causes problems animals getting caught in things their lucky that they survive
  • Swallowing the plastic can cause major injuries for animals they can also die from it.
  • Plastic traps animals
  • All the rubbish ends up into lots of places like islands 
  • Up to 500,000 to 200 million tons of plastic  is washed up each year.

If you want this to not happen then tell others to STOP LITTERING and have some respect.
Don’t forget to put YOUR rubbish in the bin.This is what we will look like if there was NO rubbish here 😎 (chilled)

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Day In The Life Of A Kitten.

Day in the life of a kitten!!

             What they do:
Sleep,Eat,Drink,Feast on birds,Play,fight.

One sunny summers morning a kitten
was born
it was me.
Everyone loved me,especially my
decided to call me Moncho!(What
a weird name!)
I loved wondering around the house
the first
couple of weeks.
Then when I was older I wondered
the neighbourhood getting pats
from people.

Each day I wondered around I
onto warm decks and mats
looking like this.
I was so cute no wonder everyone loves me.
Now im going to tell you about my full day
First we wake up,
Then we have a bath,I lick myself all over,
Now we go and get some food/breakfast,
a drink of water.
Afterwards I usually go and hunt that's if I
feel like it!
Sometimes I sleep now therefore I don't
tired and I can stay awake longer.
 Now I'm going to show you what I
look like
when I wake up.

So cute!
Guess how old I am now!

Im finally 9 years old because I just
had my

Bee Facts

1)   Did you know Bees brains are as small as sesame seeds.
 2)   They have to collaborate as a team to find food/pollen   to make honey.                       
 3)    All bees have jobs,Some are janitors to clean hives,some are nurses to help the sick,and some gather nectar to make honey.
 4)   Honey bees are able to achieve a lot some bees more than others.
5)    Some bees are royal like some of us and they have the royal Queen bee. 
1) I wonder if there's a King and a prince and a princess bee?

2) I wonder how other bees know what bee to place in each category/job.
3) What bee is more popular a Queen bee or a King bee if there is such!?
4) How do bees know what sort of flowers they should collect.
5) Do bees stay together  as a family their whole lives?

Can you answer these questions?

Monday, September 2, 2019

Quick Sand and Bending Water and Gravity Free Water

              Quick Sand~ 
Hypothesis~When you put your hand into the Quick sand it will feel hard because of the Corn flour and your hand will sink.

1.First get a cup of cornflour.
2.Put the cornflour into a large bowl.
3.Now get half a cup of some more it
in too.
4.So now add a quarter of a cup of
warm water to the mixture. 
5.Finally mix it all together firmly.

Why it happened~ It all happened
because of the cornflour, the cornflour
made the mixture hard but the water
made it look like liquid.

Now you've got QuickSand.

Gravity Free Water~
Hypothesis~ I think that the cardboard
will stay on the cups edge so that it will
work properly and the water in the cup
will not fall because of the cardboard.
 First you make paper cardboard into
square shapes.
Now you have to fill the cups up to
the very top and place the cardboard on top.
Finally turn the cup upside down
Make sure it is over the container
while holding cardboard now let it go.
Why it happened~ It all happened
because of suction(The cardboard
stuck to the top of the cup.)
Now you've finished the Gravity free water.

Bending Water
Hypothesis ~ I thought that when the
balloon was under the water it would POP!
 Rub the balloon on your head when it
has air in it.
(Make sure you have the tap on) 
Put the balloon beside the water but
make sure you're still holding onto it.
I observed~ As I put the balloon near the water the balloon did not pop like I thought it would have instead it basically bent!